Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
In order to experience real change in our lives, it requires getting out of our comfort zone. Many of us may feel a sense of uneasiness in our lives that we would like to change. Usually this is brought about by something going on inside of us rather than something that is being caused by an outside influence. These are the hardest kinds of changes to make in our lives.
Often we become "comfortable" with being "uncomfortable" because we either don't know how to change it, or if we do, we are afraid to make that change. Perhaps we are intimidated by leaving the safety of the known for the unknown. We may be fearful we are going to make things worse for ourselves. In any case, the pain of living in anxiety is usually our best motivator.
This is where faith is important. In order to step out of our comfort zone and affect real change in our lives, we must have faith. In ourselves, our actions, and the universe. Where do we find this faith? In the present moment. There is no other source. We must be in the present moment with complete awareness, step into our change with full conviction, and constantly renew our faith when we feel our egoic mind telling us to run, step back into our comfort zone, and doubt ourselves and the universe.
By connecting with the present moment you become your higher self. You have the power of the universe behind you. The change may not be experienced as you imagined it would be. It probably will not be easy. But if you are steadfast in your commitment to change, take the necessary actions, and have faith in the universe as experienced in the current will get the change you need.