Pay Attention

When we endeavor to practice mindfulness meditation, we are practicing to train our minds to be focused on the reality of the current moment. We are intending to be completely aware of what is happening as it the moment. This is not an easy task for the uninitiated to hold for anything more than a fleeting moment. It is that glimpse of the moment that keeps new practitioners coming back for more. Why? Because it is easily and immediately recognized by our higher self as the truth.
Somewhere beyond words we experience the truth of the current moment and feel it's comfort and serenity deep within our being. As we practice over time, we find that the connection with that experience becomes easier to attain and hold over longer and longer periods of time. This is the benefit of practice. Once we meet with some success, our practice grows and evolves. We become aware of our awareness and can become one with the moment. It is in this union with the reality of the current moment that we find unity with our true self and the universe...and the only price we have to pay is attention.