Living on Purpose
Mindfulness is described by Jon Kabat-Zinn “as paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and...

How much better would your life be if you could only relax a few percentage points more throughout your day? Probably quite a bit if you...

Change Your Mind
We change our minds everyday, about a lot of different things. We make choices and then something makes us want to rethink our choice and...

Conquering Self Doubt
Self-doubt can be the single biggest obstacle to our growth in life. It can lead us to a state of paralysis and ongoing anxiety. It can...

Ending Road Rage
If you’ve ever watched an online video channel, chances are you’ve come across a video of a road rage incident. You see it on the nightly...

Dr. Akua Gray Talks Solan McClean
Dr. Akua Gray reviews Solan McClean's "Learning to Drive into the Now:PRND. Reap the benefits of a Mindfulness Driving Meditation p

Neutralizing Fear Through Mindfulness
If we stop and take the time to inventory our lives, often we can identify certain reactions, moods, and mindsets that make our life...

Don't Have Time for Sitting Meditation?
To see this article on The Master Shift website go to http://themastershift.com/dont-time-sitting-meditation/ I have always been...

"When people go within and connect with themselves, they realize they are connected to the universe and they are connected to all living...

Solan McClean Interviewed on Podcast
Listen to the podcast here: http://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/5098305 Cass Midgley interviews author Solan McClean about his...